jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

If you were not limited by the demands of the national/regional curriculum, what would you say is the most important thing you would teach your students about your subject (in a CLIL context)? How would you assess their learning?

The progress of students in a CLIL class should take into account both the content of the topics concerned and the language used. Teachers should base its assessment on both counts, not to focus on one topic, the assessment should include all the objectives and goals of the CLIL class, involving the competences, knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors.
In CLIL, the student is learning new content and new language at the same time and the teacher able to assess progress in each of the students, giving an opinion and therefore encouraging students to work on developing their understanding of content of the subject, as in the use of language. If the content and language are not evaluated, the dual approach of CLIL be lost. However, sometimes you can prioritize understanding of content, and sometimes use the exact language.
The assessment should come marked by a number of criteria, and this is made easier if a rubric is used. A rubric with a list of items divided into columns and cells to quantify what the student needs to do to achieve the course objectives. This rubric should provide students so they know exactly what to do, giving them the opportunity to decide where to focus their efforts.
In each lesson of CLIL, new content and new language are introduced to build on students already possess. Through interaction with classmates, the teacher, and with new resources, each student constructs new knowledge at their own pace, from simple awareness to real understanding, and to be competent. One of the most important objectives of CLIL teaching is to help students to work independently to solve problems and to develop their own knowledge and skills. Unaware, students focus their attention on the content, but are also working a second language, the result of the interaction in sharing knowledge and understanding.
To conclude, with the introduction of CLIL, we prepare students for a different world, very dynamic and changing, offering them new expectations that benefit their curriculum and their personal potential.

I hope my words have helped you understand a little better CLIL context, their potential and the need to adapt quickly to our students must do if they want to be competitive in the labor market.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

Which training courses would you live to have access to as teacher? Why? Which is, in your opinion, the best way to share good practice amongst teaching professionals? Why?

In this topic, I think that any teacher should acquire greater mastery in skills and language skills in several languages, we should question our methods. With an indicator of 30% of school failure in Spain, we should reflect on whether the methodology used is correct, if the pedagogy of effort would not put it aside and think of new alternatives. And finally, we should considerably improve initial training of our teachers.
We should think a teacher should not be someone who knows only one subject, the subject should know, be able to transmit their enjoyment, giving students a subjectivity applicable to the reality around them. The good teacher is one who knows and helps teach students learn.
Moreover, we are in the time of communication, and through technology we should help them learn. We give students new horizons, without limiting obsolete learning resources. Without technology teachers are very limited in your school, your classroom and your textbook. And with them, we can share concerns with teachers who have similar problems. A community of practice, where we can share experiences, ask questions, in short, that response to learn best practices among professionals in education, leaving aside once and for all those misgivings acquired sometimes because of the voracious competitiveness, often because the teacher himself when performing a task does not give it the importance and did not disclose beyond the classroom. Changing this mentality cost much, but precisely for this reason, it is important that teachers begin to acquire these practices since its formation in college. These platforms play a fantastic role is to promote the professional development of teachers. In a world where we can access much information, these tools help not waste time to find the most relevant content and also allow teachers not be isolated.
Therefore, in practice community where we can share experiences professionals education and the right set of skills, our students can learn what they want, they can achieve their own goals, you will see opposing views that does not give the system education, expand what they are told their teachers and of course, literate in reading and writing multiple formats.

Taking into account my personal teaching context, what would be the advantages and disavantages of using the ELP with my groups?

The European Language Portfolio is a document in which students are learning or have learned a language as part of the curriculum in formal education or otherwise, can keep all your experiences of language learning and cultural experiences throughout of his life (lifelong learning) as a complement to traditional certificates. The ELP belongs exclusively to the user who can use it as a tool in the classroom, as an indication of their language skills or simply as a collection of jobs for personal use.
It is a tool that has all the experience related to foreign language learning, academic and personal level, following a criteria and scales established by the CEFR and the Council of Europe.
EPL parts are three: the language passport, language biography and dossier.
The language passport showing the skill and mastery of the student in the languages ​​they know; skills and language skills are mentioned, intercultural linguistic experience (Erasmus, Tempus, etc.) are recorded and the degree of mastery of the languages ​​concerned is determined. You can submit such documents as the user sees fit, such as curriculum and formal certificates.
The language biography helps the student to assess their learning objectives, plan their learning and reflect on their experiences of intercultural learning within and outside the educational context. It also includes official certifications obtained in tests or more courses.
So far are all advantages, however, accustoming students to work in a different way with date’s more or less stringent delivery of the proposed activities, corrections, development of innovative activities that they do not know, they will have difficulties. Moreover, the negative aspects for the teacher will be the effort of preparing more activities, since the activities are of great importance in the final assessment, with greater reflection of linguistic, cultural and educational objectives, first and greater planning and organizing classes on the other.
In conclusion, I believe that the great work that involves the application of the ELP is rewarded by the results obtained by students but also the teacher.

I hope you liked my opinion.

martes, 30 de junio de 2015

The best teacher in my life

I write these words to dedicate the best teacher I came across in my life, his name was Pedro and apparently seemed hard.
Pedro was the best teacher in my life, he taught me that there are few things comparable to the free-thinking intellectual, excitement of seeing a student has their own opinions. Living the time where a student arrives at establishing a discussion as equals, on certain issues, it justifies many years of efforts and subjectivity have been able to instill our best teachers.
Pedro was my teacher when I studied EGB 3rd in my village with 8 years old. I remember how he taught us to read, add, subtract, making summaries, and make us think about different things in life.
His classes were fun and full of great movement. Each lesson was to explore and full of surprises, with a relaxed and comfortable environment, which was incomparable with the other subjects.
He had an uncanny ability to explain concepts, give each student personal attention, and when someone did not understand, did not duplicate the explanation, but he turned around with incredible metaphors. I understood then that metaphors are essential to teach science, because it is a direct route to understanding the complex, and even the inaccessible.
Don Pedro even became our little confessor, because when something bothered me he could give me some advice to ease my concerns, making me feel special.
It was one of the people who inspired me to dedicate myself to teaching, for his patience, tolerance and their high expectations for their students, they were like whatever.
In conclusion I mean D.Pedro gave his life to education, and thanks to him many of his students still have a commitment to society and future generations.
The great importance of coming across in our life with someone who is able to awaken in us a vocation, help us know our limitations and realize this potential we do not know we have. I hope these words help you understand why my vocation as a teacher and the model that I try to follow to beat me every day as a person.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

Resource Center.Guide orientation, planning and decision making career.

Vocational guidance is a process that aims to awaken vocational interest, such interest to adjust labor competition of the subject and the needs of the labor market. It is a process help in choosing a profession, preparing for it, access to the exercise thereof, the evolution and further progress. Accordingly, we can say that the career counseling, career guidance includes help
in choosing a profession.

It is a process based on knowledge of the subject and his environment.

I suggest you to realize some questionnaires of vocational guidance, vocational interests, etc.

Planning is an entertaining way to clarify and organize ideas, later to be able to make a good curriculum, with your strengths and weaknesses.

Much encouragement and I hope you might help

Guía de Orientación Vocacional --> Descargar


TEst de la Universidad de LEón: CUESTIONARIO DE INTERESES


Ayuda para definir el objetivo profesional (1H): CLOE

Para situarte en una familia profesional de FP: QUIERO SER

Aquí teneis una página del ministerio que os puede ayudar sobre vuestro itinerario: http://www.todofp.es/

Este es un artículo muy interesante para reflexionar sobre el proceso de toma de decisiones. --> Descargar

Resource Center. Action plan for job search, information sources and tools.

In this section, I present a list of the different websites more useful to find job in Spain employment.
Giving them high, you can access multiple orientations, see thousands of offers (which even can receive in your e-mail) and publish your CV.
First we present the highlights links, then other resources.
El País.url

SEPE - Punto de Encuentro de Empleo (buscador de ofertas).url
SEPE.es - antiguo Redtrabaja.url
SNE - Servicios Públicos de Empleo de las Comunidades Autónomas.url

Here you have a list of various employment agencies that have a special relevance in Spain. In many of them you can leave your CV and consult existing offerings.

Grupo Eulen (Eulen, Flexiplán).url
Kelly Services.url
Page Personnel.url
I pass to you a list of different companies recruiters. In most of them you can see their offers and send the CV.
!Michael Page International. España.url
#Ray Human Capital.url
Alarcón & Espinosa.url
Campo & Ochandiano.url
CVExplorer Base de datos de CV para headhunters y empresas de selecci (...).url
Dopp Consultores.url
Human Management Systems.url
RH Asesores.url
Suarez y Aberasturi.url
These are some of the resources specific job in Valencia.
#Servei Valenciá d'ocupació i Formació.url
ADLM Consulting (Valencia).url

Agencia UPV para el Empleo.url
AGIANTZA Inserción laboral de personas con especial dificultad.url
AIMME - Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico.url
Ajevalencia.org - Asociación de Jovenes Empresarios de Valencia AJEV.url
Alicante Emplea.url
AOSLA-Gizalan. Asociación Profesional de Orientadores-as Socio Laboral (...).url
APSA - Asociación Pro-Deficientes Psíquicos de Alicante.url
Asociacion de Fomento y Creación de Empleo Juvenil.url
AVANT i+e - Inicio.url
Camp de Turia CONCILIA. Conciliacion de vida laboral y familiar.url
Castellon Empleo.url
CEMEF Burjassot.url
Centro Europeo de Empresas Innovadoras.url
COEV Colegio de Economistas de Valencia.url
Colegio Of Peritos e Ing Ind Alicante.url
CREAMA - Consorcio para la Recuperación Económica y de la Actividad de (...).url
Cámara de Comercio de Alcoy.url
Cámara de Comercio de Alicante.url
Cámara de Comercio de Castellón.url
Cámara de Comercio de Valencia.url
DEMA Desarrollo Empresarial.url
DirEmpleo.Directo al empleo. El portal de empleo de la UPV.url
Elfue.com - FUE de la UJI, Videopresentaciones de empresas y candidato (...).url
Emakunde.es Instituto Vasco de la Mujer.url
Empleo Online.url
EmpleoPublic.com - Ofertas y demandas en Alicante.url
Emprenemjunts.es - Alicante - Portal corporativo emprendedurismo innov (...).url
FLORIDAEMPLEO El paso decisivo al mundo laboral.url
Fundación Astoria RRHH en Hostelería.url
Fundación Universidad Empresa de Valencia, ADEIT.url
Fundación Universitat Jaume I - Empresa (Castellón) - FUE.url
Fundeun Universidad de Alicante.url
Generalitat Valenciana.url
Guia para la Búsqueda de Empleo en la Comunidad Valenciana.url
I V A J - Empleo.url
ISO - Instituto Social del Trabajo.url
Krocos - Castellón.url
La Hoya de Buñol-Chiva.url
Lan Ekintza - Bilbao Creación de empresas.url
LANTEGI BATUAK Empleo para discapacitados en Euskadi.url
LoQUo Alicante (clasificados).url
LoQUo Valencia (clasificados).url
Observatorio Ocupacional de laUniversidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.url
poliempleo.com Antiguos alumnos de la UPV.url
Portal de Empleo Público de Alava.url
PROP empleo público en la Comunidad Valenciana.url
RedCEEI - Comunidad Valenciana.url
REDEMPLEO (Vega Baja Alicante).url
Servicio Valenciano de Empleo.url
Universidad de Alicante, Gabinete de Iniciativas Para el Empleo.url
UPD Unidad de Promocion y Desarrollo - Provincia de Castellon - Congre (...).url

Here I leave to finish a small Excel, where there are different institutional contacts, most of them policemen of our province.


Resource Center. Simulator job interviews. How to prepare the interview.

With the Simulator Interviews you will be able to improve the possibilities of success in your interviews of jobs. You will face different interviews based on royal offers. There selects the personage who more adjusts to your profile and initiates the tour. You will have the possibility of realizing more than 25 different interviews. Train yourself with the simulator!

Now you read with attention the following advices to overcome successfully an interview of work. Also you will find later the most current questions formulated in an interview of job, as well as offers of suitable answers.
  1. La entrevista de trabajo. ¿Cuál es su objetivo?
  2. Tipos de entrevista de trabajo
  3. Tipos de entrevistador
  4. Antes de la entrevista de trabajo
  5. El día de la entrevista de trabajo
  6. Durante la entrevista de trabajo: desarrollo y consejos generales
  7. Las preguntas más comunes en una entrevista de trabajo
  8. Prepara tus preguntas
  9. Después de la entrevista de trabajo

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Resource Center. How to make a curriculum and presentation letter. Models

The letter is the introduction to the CV, and will cause your first impression the employer, so it is very important to care.


Develop a curriculum vitae is not an easy task if you want to reflect in a limited space a real and attractive image of our professional profile. That's why we choose well what model or resume template used depending on our work experience, education, profession or interests. Sections, design, ext ... everything influences when it comes to make our curriculum vitae.


Here you have a graphic document that can help you in your task.


To conclude this section, I will send you a link that will help make your videocurriculum, activity which as you know you can bring in your qualifying excellence.
