miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

Taking into account my personal teaching context, what would be the advantages and disavantages of using the ELP with my groups?

The European Language Portfolio is a document in which students are learning or have learned a language as part of the curriculum in formal education or otherwise, can keep all your experiences of language learning and cultural experiences throughout of his life (lifelong learning) as a complement to traditional certificates. The ELP belongs exclusively to the user who can use it as a tool in the classroom, as an indication of their language skills or simply as a collection of jobs for personal use.
It is a tool that has all the experience related to foreign language learning, academic and personal level, following a criteria and scales established by the CEFR and the Council of Europe.
EPL parts are three: the language passport, language biography and dossier.
The language passport showing the skill and mastery of the student in the languages ​​they know; skills and language skills are mentioned, intercultural linguistic experience (Erasmus, Tempus, etc.) are recorded and the degree of mastery of the languages ​​concerned is determined. You can submit such documents as the user sees fit, such as curriculum and formal certificates.
The language biography helps the student to assess their learning objectives, plan their learning and reflect on their experiences of intercultural learning within and outside the educational context. It also includes official certifications obtained in tests or more courses.
So far are all advantages, however, accustoming students to work in a different way with date’s more or less stringent delivery of the proposed activities, corrections, development of innovative activities that they do not know, they will have difficulties. Moreover, the negative aspects for the teacher will be the effort of preparing more activities, since the activities are of great importance in the final assessment, with greater reflection of linguistic, cultural and educational objectives, first and greater planning and organizing classes on the other.
In conclusion, I believe that the great work that involves the application of the ELP is rewarded by the results obtained by students but also the teacher.

I hope you liked my opinion.

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